
we apply different standards when we compare men and women.

Research shows that we apply different standards when we compare men and women. This info graphic shows the bias extends to performance appraisals as well.

What is the #solution?

The #firststep (short-term) is to build awareness around #unconsciousbiases. Most of us are not even aware that we apply different yardsticks while dealing with both genders. Once this insight dawns, we can then work on how to deal with these biases

The #secondstep (medium term)is to put in a structured process for reviewing appraisals. This helps mitigate biases, favoritism etc.

The #thirdstep (long-term) is to create an ecosystem where #diversity in thought is celebrated and encouraged.

If we make a beginning, it will go a long way towards ensuring that both genders are #appraised for the work they do, the value they create and not because they conform to narrow ideas on how men and women should function.