
Demand for emotional intelligence skills soars six-fold in response to the rise of AI and automation

I recently came across this report that Capgemini has compiled on the need for Emotional Intelligence. The research surveyed 750 executives & 1500 employees from large organizations in the Consumer Product and Retail, Retail Banking and Insurance, Automotive and Utility sectors.This need is estimated to increase by six times in the next 3-5 years, in the current environment where there is a steep growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence. However, an interesting aspect the report highlights is that organizations have currently not taken the necessary steps to adapt to this growing need.

The Key findings of the report are:

 1.  As AI and automation accelerates, emotional intelligence is becoming a must-have skill

 2.   Organizations with an emotionally intelligent workforce are reaping the benefits

 3.  People processes in organizations have not been adapted to tackle the age of the machine, especially for non-supervisory employees

Anyone that has worked with the younger Millennial population and interacted with the Centennials will vouch for the fact that this generation is far more comfortable texting, as opposed to having face to face conversations. Written texts have their ownutility, however they cannot be a substitute for face to face conversations which build real relationships. The more technology invades our lives, the greater will be the shift towards using technology to communicate and poorer will become the quality of our communication.

These finding fit into the entire Neuroscience framework as well. Whichever Neural paths are activated become our default mode for working& communicating. The greater the use of technology, the poorer will be the quality of our communication. This is bound to follow naturally, unless we take proactive action to Change.

Bridging the Emotional Intelligence gap may well be the Key to Success in the coming years !!!!!!!!