Program for a Leading Indian Bank on Analyzing Data and Presenting Insights

The Landscape: The target audience for this session was the entire Human Resource team of one of the largest banks in India. The problem statement was interesting. The Head of the team wanted his team members to develop the capability to look at large masses of data, analyze it, be able to draw meaningful insights from it and then present to the top management.

Currently masses of data was copy pasted onto presentations and downloaded. This form of presentation did not help top management draw insights and take necessary action, either to course correct or look at alternative solutions

The Solution: The Human Resources department had several sub processes within it, each generating their unique data. We structured a program that focused on the fundamental principles of data analysis and viewing data to draw out insights. The idea was to help empower participants to

1. Analyze data, keeping in mind, the utility to business
2. Create a structured wire frame with clear goals and an easily understandable format to present data insights
3. Build a compelling narrative to present your data

The Result : Participants were able to review their current presentation style, study industry best practices on presenting data with insights and implement using workplace situations. They now had a clear template on reviewing, analyzing and presenting data using elements of story telling. The feedback from their managers, post the program was that there was a marked change in participant’s ability to structure and present data meaningfully.

Partnering with a large IT Major on an Initiative to Reduce Unconscious Biases and Deal with Unconscious Biases at the Workplace

The Landscape: One of the top three Tech companies in India have a clear mandate from the leadership team, to build a more diverse and inclusive culture. A mindset that makes this goal challenging is the Unconscious Biases all of us carry. This was coming during several employee engagement conversations and surveys. Executives and Managers felt they were at the receiving end of different biases, both conscious and unconscious

The Solution: As a part of an organization wide initiative to develop an awareness of biases and how to deal with these biases, we partnered with the learning team to structure a program that was designed to help individual contributors and managers

1. Reflect on the origin of unconscious biases
2. Relate to different biases they encounter at the workplace
3. Use simple techniques to reduce their own internal biases
4. Apply strategies on how to deal with biases at work

The Result: One of the principal outcomes was that Managers felt heard. They were able to discuss their challenges around biases they faced, in a safe forum and brainstorm on the best ways to deal with these biases.

Another key take away was a definite sensitization towards managers’ own internal biases and how it affects their decision-making processes and behavior with their team members. There were clear commitments made on practicing techniques that would reduce unconscious biases and help managers work with more awareness.

Stakeholder Management for Key Senior Managers at one of the largest Consulting Companies Globally

Key Stakeholder Management for Key Senior Managers at one of the largest Consulting and Technology Companies Globally

The Landscape: A critical group of senior managers of a Global, Consulting and Technology company had received feedback during their performance appraisal; they were unable to effectively deal with stakeholders. There was a tendency to get extremely aggressive during critical conversations. Their niche technical skills made them extremely valuable to the organization but stakeholder management was an area of improvement for these executives.

The Solution: Shradha HRD conducted focused group conversations with the participants’ line managers and their key stakeholders to identify where the challenge really lay. This was supplemented by a questionnaire to assess current capabilities of the participants.

We designed a learning intervention, which gave the participants key insights into dealing with stakeholders from across the spectrum: stakeholders from other departments, team members, external customers and senior global stakeholders. Some themes that were covered included

1. Taking ownership and adding value to key stakeholder relationships
2. Building meaningful customer relationships
3. Influencing, to get your point across effectively to key stakeholders
4. Assertive communication during difficult situations
5. Conflict resolution through a win-win mindset

The Result: Feedback given to line managers of the participant group saw a definite move in the positive direction. They felt their team members were now moving to a “respond” mode, instead of “reacting” to difficult situations. Participants were looking at alternate ways of influencing and handling difficult stakeholder situations.

Feedback conversations for Growth: a Program for Directors for a Global Electronics Giant

The Landscape: Directors of a Japanese global electronics giant, had challenges with feedback conversations. The challenge team members had with their managers was, they either received no feedback or very strong reactive feedback with little guidance on how to proceed in the future.

The Solution: Shraddha HRD conducted a detailed training need analysis to understand the ecosystem better. Technical competence of the participants was not in doubt. The managers knew “what” to say, it was the “how” that was missing. We designed a learning intervention, spread over 4 weeks where participants went through a structured program covering the core fundamentals of feedback

1. Using feedback as a tool to enhance productivity and not as a vent to frustration
2. Giving structured and data driven feedback that focuses on behaviors and not the person
3. Planning and strategizing to overcome resistance to difficult feedback
4. Implementing the concepts at the workplace, through a experiential learning journey

were some aspects of the intervention that were covered.

The Result: The participants felt the program added to tremendously to their feedback skills. The program design allowed participants to experiment and develop their feedback skills through real life feedback conversations. This was a space to seek answers and reflect on difficult situations that often come up during the course of work.

Virtual Team Building Event For A Global White Goods Manufacturing Company

Training landscape

While working virtually and being glued to our laptops, how many of us have missed conversations with our teams? Fun sessions where we could laugh and talk together?

Virtual Team building event

And this is where our client, a global white goods manufacturing company, reached out to us to conduct an outbound, fun-filled, team building event – virtually!

The pandemic has changed the way we interact with our social and professional ecosystem. This program exemplified this change

Shradha HRD solution

We ran a session with several fun activities and leveraged different aspects of technology to fulfil the twin objectives of teams having fun and bonding together. Participants worked together in teams, collaborated, shared ideas, creatively expressed themselves, and were fully engaged in the process!

virtual team events

Our activities inspired experiential learning on the following themes:

  • Ice-breaking and ‘getting to know you’
  • Building rapport
  • Team collaboration and interconnectedness
  • Overcoming perceptions and biases


Program feedback

The feedback for the session came with a request for repeat sessions for another team!!!!! The participants agreed that they absolutely enjoyed interacting with their colleagues beyond all the work-related tasks and everyday stress. Even though its not exactly the same as an outbound event, it came a very close second


We had a super time putting this program together and facilitating it too.

Webinar for Women Educators on The Theme of ‘Move Up’

Training landscape

Do we really pay attention to educating our educators? Our client, an interactive online tutoring platform, wanted to put some serious thought into this question.

women educator

And with International Women’s Day as the focus of the month, this was the perfect time for our all-time favorite theme of ‘Women Supporting Women’.

Shradha HRD solution

We ran a webinar for 1500 Women educators on the theme of ‘Move Up’, which is all about helping women break their self-imposed constraints and boundaries, brand themselves more effectively and stand up to be counted.

Program feedback

The feedback for the session came through a rather interesting route. A colleague has a daughter who takes classes with the same company. She logged into her regular session 10 minutes late and apologized for the delay. Our colleague asked, “You were attending the Move Up program?”. She explained she knew about the program because her company, Shradha HRD was conducting the webinar. The educator said, “Ma’am I just could not leave the session, it was so good!!!

Comments like these lend more meaning to our work.

Integrating into India

Training landscape

Our client is a leading multinational alcohol beverage company that holds a dynamic and premium portfolio in the Wine & Spirits industry. A group of their senior executives were moving to India and they wanted to understand the subtle nuances of what living and working in India was all about.

business training

When we conducted interviews with the group and brought in experts in the field of culture sensitization, we found that there are three main challenges that emerge while integrating into the Indian work ecosystem. These are:

  1. Our indirect approach to communication
  2. Meetings stretching way beyond the slotted time
  3. Our inability to “say no” to those in authority

Shradha HRD solution

Our learning journey was based on the fact that culture can be likened to an iceberg: what is visible (language, customs, dress..) is the tip of the iceberg. Attitudes, beliefs, thought process, etc. is what is beneath the water and not immediately visible.

The program was held virtually in an experience-sharing, case-study driven format, which focused on the following:

  • The different dimensions of culture and where India lies on each dimension
  • The extend of India’s diversity and how it affects business and social etiquette in India
  • How timelines, hierarchies, attitudes, and communication patterns play out in different workplace scenarios

Program feedback

While it was an interesting experience for us to look at “ourselves” through the eyes of “others”, our participants reported that they got some interesting new “perspectives” with the workshop. They found the case studies and scenarios “relatable” and the discussions helpful for overall cultural assimilation.

Virtual Train The Trainer

Training landscape

Given the shift to virtual training, facilitators require a better understanding of the best practices of training on this new medium. Shradha HRD has been conducting several training programs virtually for close to 5 years now. This helped us assist internal training teams of our clients make this transition successfully.

train the trainer

We recently ran another edition of our popular virtual train-the-trainer program for a global marketing communications agency. The participants were all senior leaders from different businesses. They conducted training on technical topics.

The main challenge the participants faced while training virtually was audience engagement.

3 hygiene factors for virtual training programs:

  1. Keep the cameras on and participants unmuted
  2. Leverage 3rd party technology tools (other than the one’s available on the platform) to keep participants engaged
  3. Develop & implement a clear strategy on active learning as opposed to a passive download of information

Shradha HRD solution

Recognizing that virtual training is here to stay, we designed the program with the belief that the more effectively we can harness technology, the better will be the end user experience.

virtual training

The program focused on the following:

  • Applying the principles of adult learning to the virtual environment
  • Structuring content effectively using the principles of instructional design
  • Using best practices for effective presentation
  • Exploring advanced facilitation techniques

training the trainer

Program feedback

Post the program, our participants firmly agreed with the realization that training virtually is not about more slide movement but about more audience movement! Most participants went away with new strategies for grabbing audience attention, keeping engagement levels going, and making the learning stay alive even after a session.

Managing Stress in Uncertain Times

Training landscape

We recently conducted a virtual training program for a large 2-Wheeler Manufacturing company. Due to the lockdown and the Pandemic, there was a general feeling of anxiety on 3 levels:

  1. What is the market going to look like for the next year or so?
  2. I feel isolated due to the lockdown and WFH
  3. I hope my family remains safe through the pandemic

managing stress

The audience included Production teams and Sales teams that were spread out across India. This was an initiative that the HR team ran to “connect and uplift” team members.

Shradha HRD solution

There is so much negativity and despondency all around us. Thinking Positively and looking ahead with optimism is the way to remain Happy and Productive. This was the key to our program design, which focused on the following:

  • Identifying factors that cause stress and anxiety
  • Discussing the importance of building self-awareness to reduce anxiety levels
  • Applying strategies to keep a positive mindset during difficult times

Program feedback

We had a fantastic audience who felt charged up & motivated after attending the training program. Many of our attendees mentioned that they were definitely feeling less stressed and were looking forward to adopting a “growth mindset”.

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Training landscape

Continuous learning is the key to thriving in the VUCA world. Well-designed interventions with a clear roadmap for implementation are critical for a tangible return on investment for the organization.

the art of giving feedback

We recently conducted an organization wide learning intervention for a Global Infrastructure Management company on giving and receiving feedback.

Shradha HRD solution

Our learning journey combined a mix of virtual interactive activities, case study discussions, role plays, and proven behavioral frameworks that highlighted the different aspects of giving and receiving feedback.

The primary focus was on the following:

  • Discussing the importance and qualities of constructive feedback for growth
  • Practical strategies for effective feedback conversations
  • Techniques for handling difficult feedback conversations
  • Identifying your style for giving feedback and adopting radical candor

Program feedback

feedback conversions

This is how one of our key client stakeholders, who was also a participant in the program, described their learning journey.

“I have been a part of several training programs focused on improving the critical skill of #feedback. This one was well thought out and brilliantly executed. I think the factors that helped the program achieve the desired objectives were:

  1. Collaborative effort (Client learning team and SHRD) at the design stage. It was contextualized to address the exact needs of the participants
  2. Optimal mix of great content (implementable models to #giveandreceivefeedback) & simulations to internalize learnings
  3. Well-spaced out program to give participants an opportunity to #applylearnings at work simultaneously
  4. High energy sessions conducted by an experienced #facilitator

Post the program, we are seeing a lot more openness to feedback and meaningful feedback conversation at different levels. This translates into higher productivity for the organization.”

Campus to Corporate Programs Conducted Virtually for a Healthcare Revenue Management Company

Training landscape:

Our client is a leading provider of technology-enabled revenue cycle management (RCM) services which transform and solve revenue cycle performance challenges across hospitals, health systems and physician groups. Due to the COVID crisis, our Client ask was to redesign the Campus to Corporate classroom intervention into a virtual delivery format.

The overall program objective was to equip trainees with the necessary knowledge, skills and mind-set to transition seamlessly into the workplace. Our classroom Campus to Corporate Program is high energy, very interactive & completely experiential.  We needed to run the same training program virtually, retain the interactivity & ensure that learning takes place.

Shradha HRD solution:

We had extensive conversations with the Learning &Development team and went through several iterations on the content and the activities to be used.

  1. We adapted some of the older classroom activities to suit the new virtual format
  2. Created completely new activities that were interactive& suited to the virtual format
  3. Used technology to promote interactivity and learning viz breakout rooms, virtual role plays, quizzes, polls, google forms to name a few.
  4. Creation of an SOP document to be circulated among-st the participants so that there would be minimum technical glitches during the session.

Program feedback:

At the end of the pilot session the Learning team took live participant feedback. Participants felt:

  1. They had enjoyed the session and learnt from it
  2. They were engaged throughout and did not feel like virtual training was boring or one sided
  3. They enjoyed the interactivity and the activities tremendously

A Program on Empowering Women to Create a Personal Brand

This initiative was rolled out to Women Managers for a Global Telecom Company.

Women as a group tend to be largely reticent in talking about their work & their USP’s. Very often they struggle to highlight their achievements. Research has shown that Men are far more comfortable creating a Buzz around their work. These inherent traits sometimes account for the Achievement gap between the Sexes.

With this context as a background our clients felt that an intervention which helped Women Managers explore what they would want their Personal Brand to say & then use the right tools to make their Personal Brand come alive would help Young Women leaders in their Organization.

Some aspects that were discussed in the training were,

  1. What is Personal Brand
  2. Discovering your Personal Brand
  3. Tools to build your Brand
  4. Using Social Media effectively to Network & Build a Brand

The Lockdown necessitated that the program was delivered Virtually. The program needed to be thoughtfully designed, keeping in mind that our participants were Working from Home and had limited bandwidth. The technology tools used were largely Audio and Chats. The bite sized nature of the training was found to suitable for the virtual platform, and it succeeded in keeping the participants engaged and informed.

Participants felt that the Program allowed them to introspect on what they wanted their Personal Brand to stand for. In the day to day rigor of work and home, we often don’t get this opportunity to step back and look at where we want to go and if the path that we are on will take us there.

During the Program Recap, 2 Participants told us about their Personal Action Plan and how they were going to actively leverage Social Media for Building their Professional Networks.

Shradha HRD is a Women dominated organization and it is immensely fulfilling to conduct Programs where we can share our experiences gathered over 20 years to help empower Women Managers. We are Extremely Thankful to our Clients that continue to give us interventions like these, that allow us to add value in so many different ways !!!!!!!

Move Up: A Program to Promote Gender Diversity

Our client is a Fortune 100 company. They have a Global mandate to increase participation of Women at Senior Management levels. To achieve that Vision, our clients have a structured Growth Plan for their Women Managers. This program was a part of an organization wide initiative to empower Women Managers with a Growth Mindset & tools to showcase their inherent talents and Go-to Skills.

500 Women Managers at Middle and Senior Management positions have attended and benefited from this program over the last 2 years.

The Program systematically addressed the challenges that Women Managers face at the workplace. The program includes the following elements:

  1. Acknowledge Mind Conditioning & Self limiting beliefs
  2. Build Confidence to shatter the Glass ceiling
  3. Use simple tools to Network and establish a Personal Brand
  4. Create partnerships and build a support structure

The feedback from Participants was that it helped them to work on their self-limiting beliefs, incorporate behaviors that lead to Growth and above all create a strong support system to overcome hurdles and surge ahead.

Our motto at Shradha HRD is that Learning Must Continue and our clients support this vision. We successfully conducted MOVE UP over MS Teams for Women Managers across India. The training activities were tailored to keep in mind the technology and the Virtual Medium.

The Feedback for the program was, “Highly Engaging. We felt just like we were Learning in a Face to Face mode”.

We are set to continue this program series, Empowering Women Managers across India, Virtually !!!!!!

Train the Trainer Intervention for Facilitating Virtual Programs

Program Overview: We recently conducted a program for the training team of a large French IT Company. The audience was the internal training team that largely conduct Technical training for team members across different locations in India and even for Onshore teams. The challenges identified during the course of the Training Need Identification were:

  1. Keeping Participants engaged during long Technical training’s, that sometimes stretch up-to 3 days
  2. How to make the best use of the Technology tools available to make training interactive?
  3. Changing the training format from a monologue to a dialogue by effectively using Adult Learning Principles
  4. How do you ensure learning happens, even while training large groups? 

Shradha HRD Solution: The group of Facilitators that were a part of this program had all been facilitating for 10-15 years and were Subject Matter Experts in their individual domains. What was important for us was to help them facilitate more effectively, especially while training large group sizes.

The program was held virtually using the same technology that the participants used to train. This ensured that they had an actual feel of how to implement the learnings from the program, real time. The idea was that the program should be hands on and experiential as opposed to theoretical. 

The Key areas covered during the program were: 

  1. Applying Adult Learning Principles to make learning more retentive
  2. Using Visual Aids effectively
  3. Integrating simple activities & techniques and Making Virtual training engaging
  4. Sensitization to best practices of Non Verbal Communication and Body language to make training come alive

Considering that we were working with a team of very experienced facilitators that had already been conducting so much training virtually, the response we received to the program was simply outstanding. We had participants fully engaged for the entire 8 hours of the program & they felt that they had tangible take-away they could implement in their training programs.

A Train the Trainer program is always special because you are training peers, in a sense. We thoroughly enjoyed, creating and delivering this intervention.

Program on Negotiation Skills for the Procurement team at a 2 Wheeler Manufacturing Company

Training landscape:

Most Procurement teams look at Negotiations through a Win-Lose lens. The Vision for this program was to sensitize participants to the idea of approaching every Negotiation with a Win-Win outlook. As the Supply chain and Procurement teams had long standing relationships with their vendor partners, taking a long term view of the entire process as opposed to extracting the maximum concession in the short run, became even more critical. 

Shradha HRD solution:

Post detailed conversations, we designed a program that covered

  1. Conducting collaborative and principled Negotiations: look beyond the traditional ways of viewing negotiation
  2. Reduce the threat perception and create an environment that is trust filled
  3. The 4 Negotiation styles& table skills during a negotiation
  4. Creative problem solving for a Win-Win situation

The most critical part of a program on Negotiations is to be able to give participants a real life feel of Negotiating. Designing customized role play situations in such a situation requires time and effort. This however ensures that participants are able to take away learning that they can actually implement during their Negotiations.


Program feedback:

Participants really enjoyed the session and felt that not only did they learn new techniques of negotiation skills but it gave them confidence in their interactions. They also understood the criticality of creating an atmosphere of trust and positive communication during any negotiation. In fact some of them said that there were many situations in their work when they felt blocked and were unable to find a solution to move forward on their negotiations. However, after attending this particular workshop due to the very customized role plays they were able to find resolution to many of their issues.

Program for a 2 Wheeler Manufacturer on Proactively Embracing Change, in line with a Changing Market & Ecosystem

Training landscape:

Our client is a multi-national company manufacturing 2 wheeler’s motorcycles.

The company was going through a change viz. its culture, there was a shift in strategy in which the focus was to become a niche player in the two-wheeler market. The leadership team felt there was a lag in reaching set goals as most teams were comfortable following their old approach to working and Communicating. Despite a comprehensive transition process having been kicked off the employees did not understand that in the new growth phase the processes had to be more structured and process driven. They needed to be more proactive in implementing changes as it was critical for the organizations next growth trajectory.

Shradha HRD Solution:

The program that we designed was around recognizing the importance of adapting to Change and Communicating effectively with teams to drive the Change. Some of the topics we covered during the session included –

  1. Recognize the importance of Change in our lives
  2. Sensitization to how the mind normally reacts to Change
  3. Successfully dealing with the new & embrace it as an opportunity to Grow
  4. Communicating effectively and Working together as a team to drive the Change

 Program feedback:

Participants felt that they were more comfortable with the idea of Change after they had the time to reflect on critical it was to drive the Change. The most important take away for them was the recognition that we naturally resist Change, its important to recognize that & deal with it.

Most individuals working in today’s world know how Critical change is. Yet there is a natural inclination to resist anything new and proactively embrace Change. Interventions like this are critical to support team members make the transition and proactively embrace Change and Growth.

Diversity and Inclusion Truly!!!!

Our client is an Irish-domiciled Multinational Company that provides Services in Strategy, Consulting, Technology and Operations. With about 150,000 employees in India, a Country synonymous with Diversity& being Inclusive, our Client recognized the importance of Promoting Diversity & helping their Organization become more Inclusive.

The Organization has a structured policy of integrating employees that are Physically Challenged & Disadvantaged. While working with Participants from disadvantaged communities, it is critical to provide them the necessary support to “truly” integrate & become productive employees. To fulfill this Vision, we were chosen as training partners.

The Participants in this program were a mix of Differently abled individuals (Vision and Speech) as well as members from the Transgender Community. They had been recruited to work in Back end Processes which required effective communication skills for smooth functioning.

Shradha HRD conducted a series of programs spanning over 30 hours. The topics ranged from building confidence, English language training, functional grammar and Writing skills. To maximize learning, Individual Action plans & One-on-One coaching sessions post over a 4 Week period.

The Participants enjoyed the learning journey immensely. They felt it increased their confidence levels & helped them increase overall productivity.

We were glad that to be a chosen partner to make for this noble initiative to make our Society Inclusive. Truly Inclusive !!!!!!

Master Class for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH)

Our Client for this program was a Global IT and Outsourcing Company. The Master class was conducted for over 120 participants at 4 different locations across India. The Participants were all part of the Internal Complaints Committee for their regions.

There were participants present in the classroom and there were others that logged in via the video conferencing facility from different locations within the region. Anyone that has trained in such a situation would realize this is a challenging situation& requires specialized methodologies to drive learning effectively.The challenge was to effectively engage employees in a classroom setting as well as on the virtual platform.

There were 2 facilitators that ran the Master Class. The facilitators were both Subject Matter Experts in their respective fields: Human Resources &Law. This allowed each of them to expand on different dimensions of the POSH ACT & give participants a complete 360 Degree view of the Act and its implementation.

For members of the ICC it is critical to know, both the HR perspective and the Legal Perspective in order to effectively deal with such a sensitive and critical topic.

The objectives of the program were:

  1. Create awareness about different aspects of the Sexual Harassment,
  2. Recognize the different forms of harassment&its widespread nature
  3. Expand on the different provisions of the POSH Act
  4. Discuss the technical aspects of handling a complaint & the functioning of ICC

The Methodology was completely experiential and based on actual situations that had occurred in the IT sector. The role plays on dealing with a complaint em-pathetically and following all the provisions of the law, made the Master Class relevant and a great learning for the Participants.

The informative and solution oriented nature of the training was greatly appreciated by the participants. The simultaneous facilitation of classroom and virtual modes was well received, and skillfully managed.

Case Study – July 2019

Training landscape:

Our client is a multi-national company developing and delivering technology to the petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical production, and major manufacturing industries. There was a clear need felt to sensitize participants to embracing Diversity and being Inclusive. This event was part of the yearly meet for the entire function of 100+ participants that ranged from front line executives to the head of the team. Our participants were all engineers and a male dominate audience. The ask was to be able to drive learning but in a completely experiential and fun environment.

Shradha HRD solution:

We put together a series of well thought out experiential activities that allowed participants to come to critical insights around why it is important to embrace Diversity. In this program Diversity was defined as a difference in thought that could up due to any number of reasons. Themes of Unconscious biases and how it affects our decision making processes were explored. The program was high on energy, laughter, fun and learning.

Program feedback:

During the recap activity there was a clear sense that emerged on why Diversity is critical for personal growth, organizational productivity and for a general sense of fairness to all. Participants had a great time bonding and stayed on post completion of the program to extend the enjoyment of the session. The head of the vertical told the team of facilitators that he thoroughly enjoyed the program with the participants.

“SANTULAN”: Program on Achieving Work-Life Balance & Reducing Stress for Blue Collar Workers at A Japanese Manufacturing Company

Training landscape:

Our client is a Japanese Motorcycle manufacturer that has 3000+ employees at their plant in Gurgaon. The shop floor operators are vital for successful operations and high productivity. A common concern often voiced was the mental and physical pressure of managing work & home. For a productive workforce, overall mental & physical well being is critical.

Shradha HRD solution:

Shradha HRD started a program initiative aimed at lending clarity to participants on what they really wanted to achieve & the most efficient and systematic way of going about this challenge. Some of the areas we explored were:

  • Reflecting, recognizing & quantifying personal goals
  • Working systematically to achieve set goals
  • Incorporating simple tools to better manage life & time
  • Practicing time tested tools to reduce stress

Facilitation with a blue collar population requires a completely different approach & methodology. Learning is driven through experiential activities, questioning & discussions that lead to insights for participants.

Program feedback:

The highlight for us always is when several participants walk upto the facilitator and say “it was an eye opener. I’m definitely going to try it” or “I never thought its possible to handle this situation differently. I’m glad I came”