Training solutions to better Customer Satisfaction Scores

Over the last 2 months, we conducted an intervention for over 250 finance professionals across Gurgaon and Mumbai for a Global Bank. The division we worked with handled chat queries from across the globe from Customers of the Bank. The objective of the intervention was to raise the customer satisfaction scores by 5-7%. These scores are calculated based on a customer feedback survey sent to all customers, post each interaction.  At the end of the intervention, the customer satisfaction scores had gone up by 11%.

The intervention was conducted over 3 weeks with 3 touch-points (both classroom and through a coaching & mentoring connect). Some of the elements covered during the program were assertive writing, developing a customer centric attitude &  working with a solutions mind-set.

Building Managerial Talent: Trained 162 First Time Managers across sectors. Outsourcing sector, Automobiles sector & Manufacturing

Over the last 2 months we have successfully completed an integrated training program for First time managers across 3 large multinational companies from completely different sectors.

The unique thing about these programs was a clearly measurable return on investment for the company. These integrated programs had an efficient mechanism to track the implementation of learning and the actual usage of concepts learnt.

The classroom feedback for these programs was over 95%.

The line managers who had nominated their direct reportees for these programs felt that there had been a quantifiable marked improvement. The improvement post the program , as assessed by line managers was on average at 24%. The parameters that the First Time Managers were assessed on ranged from improved employee engagement, better quality of feedback session to enhanced client handling skills.

One-on- One Coaching on Communication skills for 3 Vice-Presidents in a large investment bank

We successfully completed a 1 on 1 Coaching intervention for 3 coachees at the vice-president level in an intervention that was spread across 2 months. The challenges identified for the coachees ranged from language challenges, including pronunciation and fluency to inability to articulate their point effectively.

The results were quite spectacular. By the end of the intervention there was a quantifiable & measurable needle movement that could be seen. There was feedback that the coachees received from their clients on the positive change over a period of 2 months.

Presenting & Managing Time efficiently: trained 300 managers from an Auto major

This month we reached a mile-stone where we had trained 300 managers at a large automobile major. The audience was a mixed group where we had millenials and near retirement participants, all a part of the same group. The sharing of best practices and group dynamics was a great learning experience for all of us.

We continue to get feedback from different participants in the company when we go in to train about how they continue to implement their learnings from the session. It is most gratifying for us when we are able to see participants excited, enthused and implementing what they have taken away from the sessions.

For us it is “Watching the needle actually move”.

Growing with Change: A successful “CHANGE” program for 70 managers

We successfully completed a project where we trained 70 managers of a business (from the head of the business to all the front line managers) on “Growing with Change”. The company it was conducted for is one of the largest HR outsourcing companies in the world.

This was conducted as an off-site program and was completely experiential in nature. Other than being an absolutely fun experience for the participants and giving them the opportunity to interact/brain storm as a group, it was a huge learning experience for the team. Some of the verbatim feedback we received from the participants was:

  1. I am going to use change model, I will keep on referring to it
  2. What I liked best about the program was the continuous awareness it brought about on change in our lives
  3. The program helped me Identify areas of change and implement ways for improvement in my team

Advance business communication: a success story

This month we completed a pilot program on Advanced Business Communication for a global investment bank. The target audience was the AVP and VP population. It was a 6 session intervention spread over 3 months. Based on the feedback that was received for the program, we are set to roll this out as an organization wide initiative for all the executives that fall into band. Some of the verbatim feedback received post the intervention is:

“Whenever I face an escalation the de-escalation matrix that we covered during training starts playing in my head and I’m able to tackle the situation much better”

“This training has helped me tackle performance appraisal conversations much better now. I’m able to structure my conversations properly and get the other person to see my point of view”

“I did not realize that I was coming across strongly during team member conversations. I discovered this through the feedback I received during the role plays. It was a eureka moment for me”

Setting new benchmarks of excellence

We recently recorded a benchmark by having 500 trainees trained and certified with a large global BPO. This was through a train to hire model. Our average certification levels have been over 70% across this period.

There have been at least 5 batches out of this where we achieved 100% certification levels and this is a record of sorts with the clients who have been operating this model for close to 5 years now.

The client speak post the result is:


Heartiest congratulations on getting perhaps the highest ever conversions in a Global Set 5+ batch in NCR. Shradha HRD has set a precedent that others will now need to follow.

Look forward to a long association between us 🙂

Customer speak on a recently completed project for a Global logistics company

We recently completed a project with a Global Logistics Company. The objective of the program was to improve English language communication and consequently the overall customer experience. Given below are the excerpts of the training feedback from their manager

I would like to tell you that our working with you has been a transformational experience for us…I can see the following in individuals in the team on a regular basis

1) Increased self confidence due to improved communication skills

2) Better quality emails

3) A serious attempt to speak in English during working hours..we have a collection box on our floor..everytime someone speaks in a native language they put in Rs.10 in the box..surprisingly I have contributed 60 bucks already in 2 days as only one of the team Sagar speaks Hindi and apparently when I speak with him I lapse into Hindi too and the team loves to catch me!!

4) A strong desire in individuals to keep the knowledge chain going so they keep checking each other when they find something wrong and its taken in the right spirit

Please convey my message and thanks to the trainers who have been responsible for bringing this huge change and enthusiasm in my team

Update on the First Time Manager Program

We have recently completed training  2,500 managers under this program. This is across several industries ranging from Manufacturing, Shared services, Finance and Pharma.

Participant observations on changes in their working styles  3 months post the completion of the program:

  1. The program served as an eye opener on how to handle teams & I feel more in “control”.
  2. I always found it difficult to handle it when female employees cried in front of me. I have been able to employ techniques of assertiveness that I learnt during the program.
  3. I realized that I was relying too much on my memory while I was giving feedback to team members. I now spend at least 30 minutes collating data and preparing for a feedback conversation. This has resulted imuch shorter and more effective feedback sessions