The Landscape: Directors of a Japanese global electronics giant, had challenges with feedback conversations. The challenge team members had with their managers was, they either received no feedback or very strong reactive feedback with little guidance on how to proceed in the future.
The Solution: Shraddha HRD conducted a detailed training need analysis to understand the ecosystem better. Technical competence of the participants was not in doubt. The managers knew “what” to say, it was the “how” that was missing. We designed a learning intervention, spread over 4 weeks where participants went through a structured program covering the core fundamentals of feedback
1. Using feedback as a tool to enhance productivity and not as a vent to frustration
2. Giving structured and data driven feedback that focuses on behaviors and not the person
3. Planning and strategizing to overcome resistance to difficult feedback
4. Implementing the concepts at the workplace, through a experiential learning journey
were some aspects of the intervention that were covered.
The Result: The participants felt the program added to tremendously to their feedback skills. The program design allowed participants to experiment and develop their feedback skills through real life feedback conversations. This was a space to seek answers and reflect on difficult situations that often come up during the course of work.